Friday, February 22, 2008


A unique opportunity exists to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Research. Click link for one rider / survivor's perspective on why they are riding to find a cure.

An avid cyclist and triathlete, Jenn Sommermann has made lemonade from life's lemon's that have been thrown at her. A determined athlete and cancer survivor, Jenn is committed to remain healthy, and is also committed to the other women who find themselves in need of help after a shocking cancer diagnosis.

Donations, no matter how big or small DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE and can be made on-line. Hope and research are just one click away!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Mr Toad's Wild Ride"

What a week we've all had!
After a great night of "ILP BOOT CAMP" with Catherine Now, it's off to the wide world of editing, editing, and more editing (did I mention that I would be editing?)

For the few of who have experienced computer issues, the word "Patience" has really taken on a new meaning. Did I also mention that I have removed Bill Gates and the team at Microsoft from my holiday card list? Why doesn't Mr. Gates tell you that when you confuse his operating system that it will shoot your work into oblivion? (note to self - save document in between auto save)

For those of us "Building the Bridge As We Walk On It" we're learning fast that if you let go of the railing, YOU FALL OFF.

For the Vapir-Izer - maybe when Gary has his cookout we can hold a ceremony and have a pc bonfire?

2 Years at Cambridge College - $30,000
Parking and Toll Fees to Get to 1000 Mass Ave - $25.00
Custom Binder for Thesis - $20.00
Ream of Thesis Paper - $20.00
Having your computer crash and losing additions to your work....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What can go wrong with chafing creams?Click Here

Click on the title "what can go wrong" and go to bottom of page to the P.S. section

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

One Final Fee

In case you didn't know - there is also an "ILP Processing Fee" of $110.00 that we'll need to pay.
That's less $$ we'll have for our Graduation Soiree -

Monday, February 4, 2008

More Research

Charity cycling events continue to increase annually - BUT - the bicycle industry is taking a big hit as people don't seem to enjoy this favorite past time any longer. Know why kids are not out riding bikes?
VIDEO GAMES - guess this explains the increase in obesity in younger americans (in addition to no physical education programs at schools)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fees, Fees, and More Fees

For anyone considering inventing, or "creating" a new product, an area of consideration that needs to be kept in mind is protecting your intellectual property.
Many of us see all the wild inventions on television - from salad spinners to "foot pads" that will detoxify your body from harmful metals and other substances. What nobody realizes is the fees that go into obtaining a US Patent.
From filing fees to legal fees - a patent that is deemed "relatively simple" to "highly complex" will cost a product developer anywhere from $4,000 to in excess of $25,000.
The one way to somewhat get around the major expense to protect your intellectual property would be to obtain a "provisional patent" - which comes with warnings of it's own.
Kelly Spors, a writer for the Wall Street Journal stated that "the vast majority of patents- some estimates suggest up to 97% - never reach the market."
There are companies that you can tap into that will bring your product to market. Unfortunately, they will end up making the bulk of the money.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Although this would have been a great night to continue work on my thesis, I chose to work this page a bit more, which led me to YouTube, which let me to way to many internet sites.

Maybe one of us should have chosen "Computer Addiction" as our thesis? Then again, it would take forever to write!
And how do you figure that Cambridge College charges us $1500 buckaroos to write our thesis? The way I see it - they should be paying me!